Monday, October 25, 2010


Safe cosmetics and skin care

Do you know that there are toxins and unsafe chemicals in the cosmetics and skin care products that we use every day? Ava Anderson Non-Toxic can inform you of these dangers and at the same time offer you a safe solution. After months of research and work with scientists from a leading cosmetics manufacturers, founder Ava Anderson launched a line of cosmetics and skin care in which every ingredient in every product had a "zero" rating on the Environmental Working Group's Cosmetics Database.

You will be shocked at the ingredients in your products and your children’s products!

Its very easy to look up your products at You will see an overall hazard score from 0 to 10. Then, be sure to click on the product to see the hazard score of each ingredient. Even “natural” and “organic” products and those with a low to moderate hazard score contain some pretty nasty ingredients- parabens, PEGs, PPGs, triclosan, 1,4 dioxane, formaldehyde, SLS, and hundreds of others. Consider the “body burden” of a lifetime of these products.

The Ava Anderson Non-Toxic solution

NO parabens¸ NO PEGs, NO phthalates, NO SLS, NO 1,4 dioxane, NO formaldehyde, NO “Fragrance” (manufacturers can hide up to 600 ingredients in this “ingredient” without listing it on the label!) NO toxins.... all AVA ANDERSON NON-TOXIC ingredients score “zero” on the Cosmetics Database Toxicity Scale.

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